Danes praznujem 100. dan, odkar sem pristala v jugovzhodni Aziji. Ob tem “jubileju”, sem si najprej privoščila ledeni cappucino in verjetno najbolj popularno tajsko sladico mango sticky rice. Vse skupaj...
V tokratnem prispevku sem pisala o: vplivu koronavirusa na vsakodnevno življenje na otoku Koh Lanta in o delni uresničitvi strahov, da moj »varni in rajski« otok, ne bo več tako...
We entered in the second week of the state Emergency decree period. Since also in Thailand number of Covid-19 cases is rising, more restrictions have been made on the provincial...
As the world is struggling with the thing that shall not be named, life in Koh Lanta is still quite easy going. Island is becoming more and more empty, because...
I meet my potential apocalypse partner, Bouchra from France. This picture was taken three days ago, after we came back from Krabi where we successfully prolonged our Thai visas, bought...