Since so many of you wrote me last few days asking how is situation in Asia, wondering where I am or sending me jealous messages how you wish to be in Thailand now, since it seems to be easier and safe and I am a bit tired of answering questions about corona and my situation and it also make me anxious I decided to write you all here. But really really thank you for your care and also the messages…it just such a different time, being worried for all of you at home and at the same time not know what should my next step be.

First I have to write I am good! Right now I am in Bangkok. I came here last Monday. I finish my Cambodia trip three weeks earlier because I panicked. I admit. The thing was, that Vietnam closed the borders but officially they didn’t publish announcement about it anywhere. But the people from Phnom Phnem hostel (and I staid in very big hostel) were two days in a row going in the morning towards the border with Vietnam and in the evening or the next day I saw them again in the hostel, where they explain us that Vietnam closed the borders for all EU passports although many of this travelers haven’t been in Europe in months. Some of them try to fly from Phnom Phnem to Vietnam and some could enter the plane another not, but nobody knew what the selection criteria is. So, I became scarred that Thailand or other neighboring countries will closed border too and I will be stuck in Cambodia. So next day I went back to my new home – same old hostel in Bangkok.

At the beginning I was a bit angry on myself because I succumbed the global panic instead to take it easy and enjoy further discovering Cambodia but coming back to “my” hostel and meeting all the known faces (some of them also return because of corona) make me realize its also a good idea. And I love Bangkok and there is so many things I want to experience, attend or discover: such as galleries, Chinese opera, puppet show, Thai box match, jazz concert etc.

But after few days here and rising of pandemic in Europe and around the world situation is change. The fear arrived back in Asia and also in Bangkok. First difference you detect in Bangkok is, that there is not so many tourists because travel restrictions. Secondly you can feel fear- shopping malls, metro, bars even roads etc. are really empty. Sometimes in the evening you are almost alone in the streets.
Every day in the last 10 days government were announcing that they will close all the bars, clubs, restaurants, sport and touristic places. But somehow it never happened. Another reason why not, beside economic impact, was also a theory that if they closed the clubs, most people who work there will loose their jobs and will return to the rural Thailand and spread the virus among the poorest people. But since today, 18. March (since midnight) officially all bars in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya and Chiang May have to be closed and all the public events are cancelled, even one of the biggest holiday celebration Songkran festival, that should happened from 13-15. Of April.

This photo was taken in times, when corona virus was still a joke for many of us. I was in China town and went to the metro. I was trying to find my mask in my bag. The group of volunteers who were informing passengers about hygienic measures offered me a mask. In that moment I found mine, so I thank them and asked them if instead of them giving me mask, I can take a photo of them. They happily agreed. I yelled: don’t be so serious, smile. They started smiling but then they realized that they are wearing a mask and I am joking. So, we laugh together, not knowing that this kind of photos will became new normal.

Its believed there is much more corona in Thailand than its official number. While talking with locals, some said to me that one of the reason people don’t go to doctors to check if they have corona or not is that in case they don’t have it they have to pay the medical exam by themselves (but if they are positive, they don’t need to), so they rather don’t go to check. Of course I cant confirm this and I am just writing what I hear, read…

And… in a way (at least for me) funny thing is happening. Locals are becoming afraid of the westerns. They are crossing the streets, moving away from us on the metro. And I can understand them.

Western (including me sometimes) are behaving “irresponsible” …at least by their opinion, because we don’t wear masks most of the times. And although I believe that mask don’t help us so much as washing and disinfecting our hands, taking care we don’t touch our face etc.… I start to wear it always when using public transport or going to closed places, such as shopping malls. Because I want locals to know I respect them and their believes and don’t want to be irresponsible toward their health. Their fear is also result of statement about dirty foreigners (who don’t wash themselves and that is why they are spreading the virus) coming from the top of the political establishment. But all in all, I don’t judge…we all saw racist behavior in Europe toward people from Asia and I think its good that less empathic people see how it is to “be on the other side”.

So, all in all its not really nice time to travel. Every day we change some plans, because countries are closing their borders, they put new messaures to get visa, flight companies are cancelling the flights and we cannot continue the trip. I know that this is really not such a big problem and there is so many other worries word have right now. But in a way we are trapped here.

Most travelers are from countries where situation with corona is worst than here. So in a way we all feel stupid to go home to expose our self to worst situation. At the same time we are afraid to get virus while traveling with plane, on the airports etc. So for me is interesting that despite that fact and the danger of travelers bringing a new amount of virus in the home countries, most (EU) countries (embassies or ministries) suggested or even commanded to their citizens that they should immediately go back home. And then we come to probably biggest traveler’s problem right now, and that is that many of then can’t normally go back home because flights are cancelled, or many countries are closing the borders and not allowing the stopovers. My friend from Brazil already bought three different plane tickets in a week, cause first two were canceled. Now he is flying threw Dubai on Saturday and nervously hopping Dubai will not close the airport in the next three days.

I decided to “escape” to some island again and see how the situation developed. Either way Slovenia closed the borders and airport and so did most neighbor countries. Also Slovenian authorities suggested on public television that is better for all the travelers to stay where we are until situation doesn’t calm down.

At the same time, I don’t think its good to stay in Bangkok if you don’t want to get or spread a virus. I was thinking, how to isolate myself but that is hard when you live and work in hostel in shared dormitories, where a lot of people passing. Although, I must point out, that the owner is taking all the possible precautions. And also what I was thinking if one day by chance a quarantine is announced it would be hard to stay in the hostel with so many different people not used to live together. I mean let’s be honest: hard for them to stay with me.

So luckily, I have that privilege to escape to another paradise island, renting a bungalow for myself and hopping I will not transmit the virus there.

I will stay there for a while (and happily send you some photos from the beach). My Thai visa expires on the 7. of April. and then we will see…and hope Thailand will prolonged my visa…. So, que sera sera!

The truth is I really feel ok and I am not scared of getting sick or being stuck…I mean being stuck in SE Asia really can’t been seen as a prison. By the way, last year due to injury and another funny virus I was stuck at home for some months so I already have some practice in this.

Also I think Bangkok hospitals are as good or even better than Slovenians … at least they look more decent. So I am not even half worried as I imagine many of you can be, being in quarantine and surrounded with so much Corona cases and not knowing how this will affect your jobs etc. It just a bit less easy situation but literally more like problems of late capitalism.

As one friend told me…in worse case I will ask for Slovenian consulate for help, and hope my “new” prime minister and his state secretaries will forget about our differences and rescue me…#savedbyjansa…this would actually be the highlight of my life 🙂

Take care & share love, not virus!